Blog Promotion:Using The Power Of Networking.


Publishing a fresh and newly written blog post brings excitement and a great sense of relief. It is a tough struggle between you and the content you created. You knew what to write about and it wasn’t a problem putting all your ideas into content form and making it ready for publication.

And while you repeatedly thought of publishing it immediately, you held on because you had lots of thoughts and doubts about publishing it. So many questions rolled out of your mind that made you check and recheck your written content.

And then satisfied that everything was okay, you clicked the publish button. So now your content is out for all to read and you are patiently waiting for the good news that your content will bring. Is your expectation of views and likes high? I bet it is. I would expect everything to happen when I post a new content.

So I would like more than 1k+ views. And then I would want my content to go viral within a few minutes of publishing it. And then I would like a whole stream of followers in the shortest possible time. And what about subscribers? Sure I want them in DROVES!!

I could be dreaming right now and if you are reading this, well you could also be dreaming too. We all want it to happen as described above and I am betting we all want it to happen fast. But unfortunately things don’t happen that way so fast and so while it is good dreaming, it’s much better to face reality. And reality tells a different story.


What Your Content Is

Whenever you create a new content and publish it, well think of it as the latest laptop or smartphone that just rolled out of the assembly line ready for the consuming public. Now just because these products have rolled out of the assembly line doesn’t mean the consuming public knows about them.

The producing companies have to market the products by making the public aware of them. They do this by making massive advertising campaigns to promote the products. Promoting a product allows that product to be known by more and more people.

And the companies use every medium available to promote their products.  So they use television, radio, social media,game media and so on. When you have just published your blog, it’s like you have just rolled it out of the assembly line. Now its time to make people aware of it. Now it’s time to promote it!

Promoting Your Content

Promoting your content is all about getting it to reach as many people as is possible to reach. Your content has been created for the purpose of offering something of value to the blog reading audience. And the blog reading audience can be miles away.

The internet is a global village where any content you create can be read by anyone anywhere in the world. This means that your audience is not limited to the town, city or country where you come from. Your content can reach an unlimited audience on any continent across the globe.

What this means is that your content with the value it offers can be useful to anyone anywhere. It can offer the needed solution to an audience that resides on another continent far away from you. And as far away as they may be from you, it can bring the relief  and contentment that they have been so desperately looking for.

But to reach a wider audience means that you must be ready to promote your content such that it reaches the wider blog reading audience. Now there are so many ways to promote your content but for the purpose of this blog , we will focus on promoting your content using the power of networking.

Sharing Content Through Networking

If your blog needs a good promotion effort, then it can rely on the power of networking to achieve that result. With social media as the most widely used platform for networking, it becomes easy to understand why networking can be useful for the content you create and for your blog in general.

Sharing your content on social media is necessary and important because social media allows you to connect, make friends and share content with people from all over the world. Social media is very popular anywhere in the world.

According to statistics,the combined active users of the four major social media platform is over a billion users. This makes social media a great tool for promoting your content.

How To Share Your Content 

Promoting your content using networking is done in several ways.  Depending on the platform you are using it is possible to do three things

1) Create a Page

Creating a page on your profile specifically dedicated to promoting your blog is something you may want to do if this option is available. Facebook allows this option while they may not be available on other social media platforms. By creating a page,you can  post your content links directly onto the page so those in your friend’s list can see them and eventually share them.

The links usually direct back to your blog site where all your contents can be seen. The advantage of creating a page is that you can constantly and continuously use it to share any future content you create from your blog site where it will be seen by others.

2) Form Your Own Group

Most people like the idea of working together with others and sharing ideas, knowledge and tips. In trying to do so they form a group for that purpose. You can form your own group and manage it and invite people to join. As you form your group it is much easier to share your contents so they can be seen by group members.


3) Join Social Groups

Forming your own group which you manage is great. But then you also want to see what others are doing and so the best way to go about doing that is to join other groups and start interacting with group members. By joining other groups you also have an avenue for sharing your blog post links.


The Real Promotion

Using the power of networking, your blog can get the exposure that it needs. By  just doing  the above mentioned three you  get your blog exposed to group members in the group you formed and manage. You also get your blog exposed to members in the various groups you join and lastly you also get your blog exposed to those who like and follow the page you created.

As your blog is seen, so it can be shared  by others. The best part is that each individual be they in groups or friends list have different number of friends and followers on their list. Some have a few friends and followers, while some have friends and followers in the thousands going on. Now one person with a list of over a 1000+ friends and followers  sharing your post  means that your post will most certainly reach all the 1000+ friends and followers on their list who can also share it to their list and so on.

If a blog can satisfy a needy audience then through the power of networking it can reach a large number of people.  Promoting your blog through networking can give your blog the boost it needs. The only requirement needed is to keep on creating great content and sharing them continuously.


Please share your thoughts and comments




12 thoughts on “Blog Promotion:Using The Power Of Networking.

  1. Some great advice here on how to promote your content! I think there are times when we’re all a little disappointed when our stats aren’t as high as we would like them to be but the important thing to remember is stats aren’t everything!


    1. True stats aren’t everything and yes the disappointments are there when we see that the stats aren’t favourable. But lookin beyond what they tell us is great way of moving forward.


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